Dunn's Conundrum

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: B/78212
Autor: Stan Lee
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 90Kč

It’s the mid-1980s and the cold war hasn’t thawed. The Library, a super-secret U.S. espionage agency is keeping an eye on the Russians and everybody else. A dozen elite intelligence experts relentlessly sift out classified information from everywhere. They know all the secrets except for one – which of the librarians is a traitor. It’s up to Walt Coolidge, a librarian with a Sherlockian gift for analyzing people’s garbage, to uncover the mole and, if he fails, it could lead to nuclear Armageddon.

Brož,  menší 8°, 374 stran. V angličtině.

Vydání: Sphere Books Limited, 1986.

Stav knihy: Uvnitř dobrý stav, lehce zašpiněná obálka.

Valentinská © 2021