Returning - anglická verze knihy Návraty Josef Koudelka

Druh zboží: kniha
Autor: Koudelka, Josef - Šorfová, Irena (eds.)
Stav: Nová
ISBN-13: ISBN 13: 9788074372490
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 1 800Kč
Book to accompany the exhibition "Koudelka: Returning", Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, 22 March - 23 September 2018; OKart. (laminiert), 307 Seiten mit zahlreichen Reproduktionen, 25 x 31,5 cm, neu, originalverpackt. || original hardback (laminated), 307 pages, amply illustrated, 9.8 x 12.4 inches, brand-new copy, original wrapping. "The book presents a cross-section of the lifelong work of Josef Koudelka. It was published in conjunction with an exhibition organized at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague in order to commemorate the photographer’s 80th birthday. Inside, readers will find 350 photographs from the extensive set of works that Koudelka decided to donate to his country, representing all major cycles from his entire body of work (Beginnings, Experiments, Theatre, Gypsies, Invasion 68, Exiles, Panorama). Published in Czech and English, this beautiful publication, prepared by Josef Koudelka in collaboration with Irena Šorfová, offers a comprehensive look at Koudelka’s life and work."

Vydání: Prague: Kant 2018, 307 stran s četnými reprodukcemi, 25 x 31,5 cm, jazyk: anglicky

Stav knihy: nová, výborný stav

Valentinská © 2021