The Screech Owls' Home Loss

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: B/85997
Autor: R.MacGregor
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 50Kč

Somewhere in the town of Tamarack a criminal is in hiding, and somehow – for the sake of their teammate – Travis and the Screech Owls must find a way to pull together and bring the culprit to justice. The Screech Owls' Home Loss is the eigth book in the Screech Owls Series.  Brož, menší 8°, 116 stran. V angličtině. 

Vydání: An M&S Paperback Original from McClelland&Stewart, 1998.

Stav knihy: Dobrý stav.

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