Happy Mondays: Putting the pleasure back into work

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: B/68250
Autor: Richard Reeves
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 150Kč

Work has had centuries of bad press, being blamed for everything from unhappiness to lack of sex. It’s time to give work a break. This is a book for people who love what they do - or wish they could - and shows how to get the best return for your love as well as your labour. For centuries people viewed ‘work’ as something to be endured. They worked in order to live. The 9 to 5 grind, done purely for the money. Some people still endure work today - if they don’t enjoy their job. But a new era is dawning. We are in the midst of a revolution in the role of work in our lives. Work is now important - more than ever before. Work is who you are. And a growing number of people actually love to work. Work is becoming more central to all our lives. It is now a provider of friends, gossip, networks, fun, creativity, purpose, comfort, belonging, identity - and even love. In short, the things that the ‘home’ has traditionally supplied. Work is getting homely.

Brož, 21x17 cm, 195 stran. V angličtině. 

Vydání: Pearson Education Limited, 2001.

Stav knihy: Velmi dobrý stav.

Valentinská © 2021