Faster, They're Gaining

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: B/85943
Autor: Peter Biddlecemobe
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 120Kč

Living out of a briefcase has become a way of life for Peter Biddlecombe - and his regular dispatches from the front line of international expense account culture have offered desk-bound readers everywhere a unique insight into the strange, bizarre and often hilarious places where business and pleasure meet all over the world. Yet despite all his efforts in this, the lot of the English businessman abroad is still not a happy one. FASTER, THEY'RE GAINING is the sixth in the series of dispatches from all over the world, taking Peter Biddlecombe's total to 115 countries visited and described.

Brož, 8°, 474 stran. V angličtině.

Vydání: Abacus Book, 2002.

Stav knihy: Dobrý stav, obálka nepatrně odřená.

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