Rendering Real and Imagined Buildings - ....

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: O/3869
Autor: Novitski , B.J. / William J. Mitchell
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 800Kč
...The Art of Computer Modeling from the Palace of Kublai Khan to Le Corbusier's Villas - with CD-ROM Architectural imaging for 30 sites around the world. OPapírová, nakl. vazba s původní obálkou; ISBN: 1564965112, Rockport, Massachusettes, 1998, 175 S., 4° s celou řadou barevných fotografií a přiloženým CD-ROMem. Zcela nová kniha, anglicky. This fascinating book dramatically and richly illustrates architectural computer modeling and rendering technologies . Features designs ranging from ancient cities . to futuristic landscapes . Highlights 30 dramatic projects from around the world . Includes interactive CD-ROM that ' walks ' you through many of these spaces . It is a one-of-a-kind experience , presenting extraordinary examples that push the boundaries of archeological and architectural imaging . Rendering Real and Imagined Buildings explores the world of buildings that were, that could have been or that are yet to be. Advances in architectural rendering programs on the computer can allow architects to explore unbuilt architecture, test structures, discover details, and see in 3-D what cannot be shown on paper. The book presents 27 buildings from an ancient temple to a house by Frank Lloyd Wright to an airport for the future. The companion CD-ROM allows the reader to "walk through" the spaces to experience first hand the marvels of 15 projects . B.J. Novitski is a freelance journalist specializing in the use of computer technology in architectural practice and education. She has an extensive background in writing articles for magazines such as Architectural Record, Progressive Architecture, Computer Graphics World, and Architectural Lighting . " Rendering Real and Imagined Buildings - The Art of Computer Modeling " . by B. M. Novitski . with foreword by William J. Mitchell . * V roce 2008 jsme zakoupili veškerou produkci společnosti Fraktály Publishers,s. r. o. V naší nabídce jsou tedy knihy z oborů: Architektura, design (Ladislav Sutnar atd.) a jejich produkce. V případě zájmu o tyto knihy, nás prosím kontaktujte na *
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