The Refuge and the Fortress

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: B/56964
Autor: Jeremy Seabrook
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 150Kč

Britain and the Flight from Tyranny. In the 75th anniversary of CARA (Council for Assisting Refugee Academics), this book explores the experiences and achievements of refugee academics and their rescuers to recount Britain's past relationship with overseas victims of persecution, and as vital questions about our present-day attitudes towards immigration and asylum.

V angličtině. Brož, větší 8°, 260 stran. V angličtině. 

Vydání: Foreword, 2009.

Stav knihy: Stav dobrý, nepatrně zašpiněná obálka.

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