The Funniest Joke Book Ever! (Nejzábavnější kniha vtipů všech dob!)

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: B/94297
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 80Kč

Kids can’t resist sharing jokes (even you try to stop them), so they always need a fresh supply. We’ve stuffed the pages of this little joke book with the funniest jokes we could find. Old favorites, new favorites, and a few festering stinkers—all guaranteed to make kids laugh out loud. You'll find Q&A jokes, knock-knock jokes, riddles, and one-liners. And, of course, we’ve included entire chapters of those all-time kid-pleasers: elephant jokes, pirate jokes, and space jokes.

Pevná vazba,  8°, 235 stran. V angličtině.3

Vydání: Random House Children´s Books, 2000.

Stav knihy: Dobrý stav.

Valentinská © 2021