Perry Mason :The Case of the Demure Defendant

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: B/56189
Autor: Erle Stanley Gardner
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 80Kč

Unconvinced of his client's confessed guilt, Perry Mason searches a lake for the bottle of poison with which Nadine Farr claims she killed her elderly benefactor, Mosher Higley. 

Perry Mason is an American fictional character, a criminal defense lawyer who is the main character in works of detective fiction written by Erle Stanley Gardner. Perry Mason is featured in more than 80 novels and short stories, most of which involve a client's murder trial.   Brož, stran 185, menší 8°. V angličtině. 

Vydání: Pan Books, 1956

Stav knihy: Velmi slušný stav, obálka zašpiněná a odřená, stránky zažloutlé, hřbet natržený.

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