Eternal Himalaya [Himaláje; Indie; cestopisy; rytiny; mapa; mapy; historie; dějiny]

Product type: kniha
CN: A39819
Author: Ahluwalia, H. P. S. - White, George Francis
State: Used
Availability: IN STOCK (info)
Price: 500Kč

Publikace o Himalájích obsahující mj. kompletní cestopis George Francise Whita, který do nich podnikl cestu v roce 1825. Ilustrováno 34 dobovými rytinami; kniha obsahuje také 7 map.

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Celoplátěná vazba se zlacením a přebalem.

"The book focusses attention for the first time on many hitherto unknown facts like the close association between Sikkim and Charles Darwin through Dr. Hooker, the first European botanist to make Sikkim his field of study. It also has, for the first time a chronological account of all the explorations in all parts of the Himalaya which includes the first hand account of Lieut. George Francis White of the 31st Regt, one of the first Europeans to visit the Himalayan region for explorations during 1825, and to have left a fascinating account of his travels, which forms a part of this book. Accompanying the text of Lieut. White are reproductions from original engraved plates which were made at an enormous cost of £ 2,400 during that period. [...] The book also contains some very ancient maps together with an account of the experiences and impressions of Major Ahluwalia in the various parts of the Himalaya, particularly his visits to Nubra and Shyok valleys and the Pangong lake, one of the longest lakes in the world which are still closed to the outsiders."

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